Hello Screen Saver
Apple Design Team / Cupertino
Over the years, the TDC has honored some of the most exciting, innovative work the global design community has to offer. We’re pleased to share that work with you here.
Apple Design Team / Cupertino
Nanjing Han Qing Tang Design / Nanjing
The New York Times Magazine / New York
RT Creative Lab / Moscow + Bankov Posters / Prague
Studio Garbett / Sydney
M-N Associates / Ho Chi Minh City
Thonik / Amsterdam + The Foundry Types / London
Studio Saber / The Hague
MNP / Athens
Fabio Mario Rizzotti / Milano + Santiago Villa / Milano
Khyati Trehan / New Delhi
Hagen Verleger • Typography, Book Design, Research / Berlin + Damien & The Love Guru / Brussels
Happy Brand / chengdu
Zhejiang Gongshang University / Hangzhou + China Academy of Art / Hangzhou
Daniel Wiesmann Büro für Gestaltung / Berlin + Stiftung Buchkunst / Frankfurt am Main
Supple Studio + Rob Clarke
BRUTUS / New York
SHA inc. / Tokyo
SHA inc. / Tokyo
Beatriz Lozano / New York
Beatriz Lozano / New York
Zhejiang Gongshang University / Hangzhou + China Academy of Art / Hangzhou
collect / Stuttgart