Neufquatre Editions
Tian Bai + Neufquatre Editions Paris / Paris
Over the years, the TDC has honored some of the most exciting, innovative work the global design community has to offer. We’re pleased to share that work with you here.
Tian Bai + Neufquatre Editions Paris / Paris
Neeser & Müller / Basel
Slanted Publishers / Karlsruhe
Slanted Publishers / Karlsruhe
collect / Stuttgart
Pentagram / New York
Pentagram / New York
Novel / New Delhi + Thoughtput / Pune
indego design / macau
Mucho / San Francisco
hesign / Berlin
Communication University of Zhejiang / hangzhou
STONES DESIGN Lab. / Beijing
Code Switch / Northampton
indego design / macau
Design Studio Baklazanas / Moscow + All-Russian Decorative Art Museum / Moscow
Anton Fedorov & Dmitry Jakovlev / MOSCOW + Dazzling creative studio / MOSCOW
Siyu Mao / Berlin
Atelier Carvalho Bernau / Porto
Riverhead Books / New York City + Lauren Peters-Collaer
Gerhard Kirchschlaeger / Wels