Words on Facial Make-up


College: China Academy of Art

The instructor: Huanbin Liang ——China Academy of Art

There are some simple symbols in the ancient masks which are used to express the special idea and expression and when it comes to the opera, symbols are drawn in the characters’ faces in order to express more complex idea and expression. Chinese traditional opera facial makeup has a function of showing mood, symbol, feature and so many others. By using the clerical script and  a way of writing which is called “Pu Hao”, the characters’ previous facial makeup will be replaced by his own name to form the Chinese character facial makeup. By this way, the characters’ feature is not only retained well and continue the vivid expression, but also emphasized the characters and enhance the memory. The meaning of a symbol sometimes depends on its context absolutely, it will show a character’s feature and nature and hints a circumstance of a role.