Urban Dictionary


Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary of slang or cultural words and phrases. Having English as my second language, Urban Dictionary is the irreplaceable tool that helps me learn about what real-life is like in a different country and what’s trending among different groups. Through my investigation of UD I could see the huge potential this brand has. It’s very sad to see the brand over the years connect itself to hatred and discrimination due to some past issues. My goals are to build a positive, friendly, and compelling brand image for Urban Dictionary. This special dictionary is to be the new babel that helps people stay in the loop, build connections with each other and define their own world. To achieve this goal, we build the strategy that it should go from America to global; should go from a functional dictionary to a content provider; should stick to the faith of bringing people together rather than setting them apart. Last but not least, we build a strong visual identity around these principles.