This Book is a Time Machine


Time is an abstract force that measures our lives. Even as technology advances, our thirst for speed and convenience in this fast-paced society is never quenched. But, at what cost? Many of us only consider the present and the future of our own lives, but fail to think about how our current actions may impact the future beyond ourselves. The continuous fragmentation of time into smaller increments detaches us from the larger timescales. 'This Book is a Time Machine' explores four different timescales — that of the human, technology, geology, and the timescale of the book itself. If our consideration of larger timescales impacts our current actions, perhaps we can create better futures.

The nine ribbon bookmarks are nine different access points to parts of the narrative, encouraging the reader to explore the content of the book in a less linear fashion. The use of large, staggered typography represents the fragmenting of time units.