The Epicene Collection


Building out from 18th century European typographic traditions, Epicene is a proposition and its own counter-proposition, a reconciliation of the work of rival typographers Jacques-François Rosart and Johann Michael Fleischmann. It is an expressive and functional type family featuring text and display variants with a generous range of weights. Epicene Text is inspired by Fleischmann’s types. They are deliberate and focussed but energised through cheekiness and a sly wink manifested in small details. Epicene Display, in the spirit of Rosart, is instead given license to perform with a smaller obligation to function. Taut, refined curves terminate in exaggerated, overhanging serifs while fluid italics are suddenly interrupted with bombastic swoops and curls. The echo chamber within Baroque visual culture that celebrates sculpted, flowing and exaggerated forms of expression is reflected in its typographic voice. These letterforms are designed to be seen, as much as they are to be read.