Stripburger 30: Dirty Thirty
Stripburger is a periodical about comics, published biannually, with a 30-year tradition. Bilingual and international, each issue features fresh work by comics artists from all around the world. On the occasion of the 30th annivesary of the magazine a special anthology edition was published. It features an extra special selection of comics and behind-the-scenes texts about magazine production.
The comics are organised in three decades while the texts are inserted in-between the comics as narrower zine-booklets, each with its unique typographic treatment.
The book is a massive 400-page anthology, but the design aims to retain the independent rebellious DIY punk ethos of the magazine, which is why lo-fi solutions were used (soft folded cover, open binding with the book title visible on the spine and inner edge of the book, most of the book is printed in black only, zine-booklets are printed in single color on various colored papers…).