Sociotype Journal


Issue #1 of Sociotype Journal is typeset in our very own serif superfamily, Gestura. Appropriately enough, our theme is “The Gesture”.

When words fail, our hands do the talking. Join us as we investigate raised fists, flicked Vs and power grips, VR mitts and cable knits with NASA, secret signs of the illuminati, street gangs and flight attendants, sign language poetry, greasy fingers, strap hangers, and discover the meaning of the word “thist”.

Issue #1 features ten essays, seven image-led articles, and a twenty eight page technical type specimen.

Printed in an edition of 1,500 copies

224 pages

210 × 275 mm

ISSN 2754-7698

Section sewn, printed in four colours with two special Pantones and an eight page foil embossed cover

Designed and printed in the UK on FSC recycled papers by Fedrigoni

Sociotype Journal features no advertising