Pomological Series Vol 2


Part-catalog, part-zine of selections from the 2nd Annual Wild and Seedling Pomological Exhibition, which took place in 2021. The 86 wild apples presented in this book are stunning: from heart-shaped crabapples, planetary orbs, tongue-ripping bittersharps, to red-flesh apples named after Star Wars characters.

The selection represents a future for apples not seen in grocery stores, an essential survey of a fruit that is constantly evolving due to its reproductive behavior: apples, like humans, change with every generation, never identical to the seed that bore it.

The cover features Wotan (custom drawn as a revival of Nebiolo), while the interiors feature Caslon Ionic (Commercial Type) for the text, and Compagnon (Velvetyne) for apple data.

Dripping with color and detail, this book is printed on high quality photo stock, OTA bound in 9″x 6″ format.