Over, Again


A series of printed and animated posters, exhibited as part of the 'In-between' exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum of Art from May 2022 to March 2023, curated by Kim Hung Choi. The exhibition serves as a platform to explore the diasporic experiences of Hong Kong designers.

Reflecting on my journey as a designer migrating to the UK in pursuit of a personal utopia, the series integrates texts from diverse sources such as Arthur Rimbaud and contemporary designers like Helen Kirkum. Through extensive typographic experimentation, the project underscores the notion that utopia is achieved through continuous action and resistance to the status quo.

The posters, displayed as fly-posters in the gallery, evolve over time as new ones replace old ones, embodying an ethos of renewal and impermanence. The animated posters are accessible via a web-based AR app, enriching the viewer's experience and emphasizing the project's theme of endless exploration and positive action.