Lubeznik Center for the Arts


Lubeznik’s new primary logo comes in two flavors, Formal and Playful. The formal lockup is the primary logotype, designed to represent the range of vibrant activity present within the center — from playful youth programming and classes, to more professionally toned donor events and world-class art exhibits. The custom alphabet reflects the architecture and character of the center. Each letter is built within a square, allowing geometry to become a core visual component of the Lubeznik brand. The letters are a monospaced, reverse-contrast, variable sans-serif and enable dynamic animations between the formal and playful states. The boldest abstractions of the letterforms become graphic frames that crop and focus content in layout. Much more than a set of rules, the brand guide for Lubeznik is a flexible kit of parts that enables the team to confidently make the new system truly their own — from custom patterns to photography treatments.