Furniture that fits. For people that don’t.
Tylko is a tech-driven furniture design company with an ambition to revolutionise the furniture industry. Their quality, sustainable, customisable products can be configured to the millimetre. A perfect fit for a creative audience who don’t like to conform.
Grey, together with Studio Dumbar/DEPT®, established a completely new design world: A bold system inspired by their digital product, the ‘configurator’, a people-stopping motion system, and a rallying cry; ‘Furniture that fits. For people that don’t’.
The design embodies the essence of the Tylko brand and its products through a visually captivating approach. Using dynamic typography, the design comes to life, effectively displaying the adaptable and user-friendly building system that Tylko defines.
The platform was executed in digital out of home and online. It launched in The Netherlands during Dutch Design Week, across key locations including Amsterdam Central station.