Fukt Magazine #21 The Unknown Issue
Designing a cover on the broad topic of Fukt Magazine‘s 21st issue, the „Unknown“ was challenging. How to design something that is unknown – that I don‘t know – without revealing it? In the same time it needs to be understood and read by the reader. A dustcover wraps the magazine and is covering and complementing the cover words „UNKNOWN“ by blurring parts of letters through rasterization. Readable from afar (in a bookstore) but not well from very close. When taken off, the title becomes more obscure - clarity is not revealed - a feeling that i wanted to evoke. Sometimes digging deep into the Unknowns means only more mystery. The back cover is treated with equal care: while one can read partly the magazine‘s name FUKT, it dissolves into a dotted pattern, once the dustcover comes off - the more you look - the more you are left clueless.