
The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution, the second largest industrial polluter in the world. The dominance of “fast fashion”, when the largest fashion brands organize a race for the speed and cheapness of clothing production, leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, encouraging the production of low-quality clothing with a short cycle of use, to scandals due to poor working conditions. The FAB exhibition tells about design trends in the field of sustainable fashion, about the specific features of ” green ” production within the industry, slow fashion, about the use of organic,” vegan ” (obtained without killing animals) and recycled materials, as well as reveals the environmental problems associated with tailoring.

Fabric (FAB) is an Exhibition of Sustainable Fashion. The main task in developing the exhibition’s identity was to create a typographic style. The accidental font used in the design reflects one of the central messages of the exhibition – a call to reduce consumption in the fashion sector, a call for reasonable consumption. Graphically, the solution is based on a cross-type of a pair of fonts-strictly grotesque and openwork accidental font, resembling the folds of fabric. Openwork letters in a light airy outfit lose it by half, while the functional component is preserved – the grapheme can be read quite easily. If necessary, you can add color photos to the monochrome typographic solution, which becomes a single background. The design of printed products is divided into themes – sections of the exhibition, the dominant in the composition is the single large first letter of the name, which is supplemented by a small decoding. Among the carriers of the corporate identity, a large volume is occupied by printed products: outdoor advertising posters, leaflets, flyers and catalogues.