
This is an era of the rapid spread of rumors. Exaggerated facts and untrue stories suggested by the stylized language created a click-bait title; authoritative data and professional terms have attracted many devout viewers, making rumors so deceiving that they could fool the general public. Therefore, we need to respond to false information by design and invite the truth into this world. Based on our research, we created weird and wicked 3d modeling to represent different types of rumors and emphasize their absurdity. Also, based on the idea of “kitsch,” we used local ads to reference layout design and font design. We also created “a rumor maker machine," an interactive device for users to experience at the show. When viewers input rumors, they can see rumors constantly change and escalate. Also, this device would print out a list of "People affected by rumors” (consisting of the viewers’ and computer-generated names) so that participants can experience two different states — rumormonger and the victim.