ANEK - Multi-script Variable Indic Type Family
The expansive design of this type-family allows it to don multiple personalities. It comes alive in its boldest weights. Sharp terminals and tapered joineries sparkle amidst regimented forms, making this ideal for setting captivating headlines or that memorable word-mark. As weight reduces, these striking visual features mellow down until they remain a faint echo in the lightest weights. At its most condensed — compact, capsular structures impart a graphic texture. Whereas, on the wide end of the spectrum, the extra legroom lets each letter yawn and stretch into their message. In contrast to the extreme styles that wear the style on their sleeve, the middling widths and weights give importance to clarity over personality. In the presence of other styles, they recede into the back, allowing the extremes to shine. But left on their own, they set text with a quiet confidence.