Ammo Case Club


'Si vis pacem, para bellum.' Ammo Case Club is a club where creators from various fields gather to study the 'aesthetics of violence'. It is a study on the influence and correct direction of acceptance according to how violence is treated and attractive in art.

Violence is always inherent in the scope of art. Audiences who encounter works that contain very aggressive thoughts and actions are confused between subtle discomfort and the aesthetic of Ugliness. As society's ethical standards rise, the depiction of violence in the art world has become increasingly problematic.

Will it be ruthlessly fired or will it be thoroughly managed? Each ammunition has lethality, but it firmly preserves the destructive power of ammunition cases that collects and stores them before being loaded into the magazine. Violence has the same logic. Violence in the media and art can be brutal, but as safe as an ammunition locker can be managed if we find the right way to appreciate and portray it.

Ammo Case Club intends to manage the violence aesthetic like an ammo case. They patterned the shape of the bullets they collected through research to create a special typeface. The bottom of the aligned bullets represent the violent aesthetics managed by this club.