Aeroplan motion


Each year we release several typefaces across a wide array of global scripts. Each new typeface release is a branding opportunity to create a unified campaign that reinforces the typeface’s message and usefulness. Our team decides those branded aspects together: topic, colours, style, assets.

This specific typeface sets modern and historical text with its sturdy serifs, digital sharpness, and the equivalent of optical poetry. Our challenge: represent its features and usefulness in motion formats to memorably connect with the total campaign, increasing distinction within a crowded font market.

Aviation machinery was the topic of the given brief, so we incorporated gear movements that fit letters, and joined each scene with specially designed transitions from sections of the font’s lettershapes. Blueprint blue was too cliché, so we chose a pale field green which might be seen from an airplane window. The components generate a cohesive visual story organised to synchronised rhythms.