Qiushuo Li / New York
Over the years, the TDC has honored some of the most exciting, innovative work the global design community has to offer. We’re pleased to share that work with you here.
Qiushuo Li / New York
Liveright / New York, NY + MPL / London + W. W. Norton & Company / New York, NY
Mucho / San Francisco
Firebelly Design / Chicago, IL
Pentagram / New York
A.A. Trabucco-Campos / Brooklyn, New York + Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazine / Munich
N/A / San Francisco and São Paulo
Ben Denzer + Center for Book Arts / New York
Apple Design Team / Cupertino
The New York Times Magazine / New York
BRUTUS / New York
Beatriz Lozano / New York
Beatriz Lozano / New York
Pentagram / New York
Pentagram / New York
Mucho / San Francisco
Code Switch / Northampton
Riverhead Books / New York City + Lauren Peters-Collaer
R&M / Brooklyn
Mucho / San Francisco
R&M / Brooklyn
Studio Bang-Gu
The New York Times Magazine / New York