Das Plakat (The Poster)
Fons Hickmann M23 / Berlin
Over the years, the TDC has honored some of the most exciting, innovative work the global design community has to offer. We’re pleased to share that work with you here.
Fons Hickmann M23 / Berlin
babyinktwice / Näfels
Bing Chen / Hangzhou
gggrafik / Heidelberg
Work by Lule / New York
Zimmer-Design / Louisville
Zhejiang Gongshang University / Hangzhou
betterbuero / Berlin
Uniform Teeth / San Francisco
Rebu / São Paulo
Paprika / Montreal
MARU / Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Zulu Alpha Kilo / Toronto
Zulu Alpha Kilo / Toronto
Shine / Los Angeles
CF Brand Design / Napa
CF Brand Design / Napa
Renan Vizzotto / Bolzano
Onfire Design / Auckland
Mint Brand Design / Beijing
Pentagram / New York
Heyday Konzeption und Gestaltung GmbH / Bern
Tereza Bettinardi / São Paulo