Mack & Pouya Branding
Nubia Navarro (Nubikini) / Bogotá DC + Pouya Nia / EEUU
Over the years, the TDC has honored some of the most exciting, innovative work the global design community has to offer. We’re pleased to share that work with you here.
Nubia Navarro (Nubikini) / Bogotá DC + Pouya Nia / EEUU
Studio HMVD / Brooklyn
Studio HMVD / Brooklyn
Studio Dumbar (part of Dept) / Rotterdam
Studio Dumbar (part of Dept) / Rotterdam
HDU23 Lab / Wuxi
Voice® / Adelaide, South Australia
Andrea A. Trabucco-Campos / Brooklyn + Pràctica / Brooklyn
Andrea A. Trabucco-Campos / Brooklyn
Pentagram / New York
Pentagram / New York + The New Republic / New York
Foreign Policy Design Group / Singapore
Foreign Policy Design Group / Singapore
Foreign Policy Design Group / Singapore
x1000 / Shanghai
Kevin Cantrell Studio / Mantua
Kevin Cantrell Studio / Mantua
开眼壹果 / 杭州市
TEN BUTTONS / Guangzhou
TEN BUTTONS / Guangzhou
Semiotik Design Agency / Thessaloniki
Neue Gestaltung GmbH / Berlin