SF Georgian
Apple Design Team / Cupertino
Over the years, the TDC has honored some of the most exciting, innovative work the global design community has to offer. We’re pleased to share that work with you here.
Apple Design Team / Cupertino
Morcos Key / New York, NY + Debakir / Beirut
Katya Slobodskaia
Rozi Zhu & Haocheng Zhang
Sakkal Design / Bothell, Wa
Plankton Art Co. / Mount Holly, NJ
Rolling Stone
TRÜF / Los Angeles, CA
Office / San Francisco + Bacchus Management Group / San Francisco
Alexa Edgerton / Grand Rapids, MI
Lily Boyce / Brooklyn
TBWAMedia Arts Lab / Los Angeles
House Industries / Wilmington, Delaware + Sandals Resorts International / Montego Bay
Pentagram / New York City
Krivanek+Breaux/ Art+Design / Chicago
Poster House / New York
The Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography / Pasadena, CA
Studio Matthews / Seattle + LMN Architects / Seattle
Pentagram / New York City
Doris Liu / Queens, NY
Daniel Frumhoff Design + Stanford University d.school
2xlab / New Haven