ᎧᎹᎹ "Kamama" - Woven Sketchbook cover
Monique Ortman / Harrah
Over the years, the TDC has honored some of the most exciting, innovative work the global design community has to offer. We’re pleased to share that work with you here.
Monique Ortman / Harrah
Paprika / Montreal
afterimage / Zagreb
Bedow / Stockholm
Beijing Artron Art Printing co.,ltd
SEIBIDO Co.,Ltd. / Tokyo + sora inc. / Tokyo + NIHON LITERAL Co.,Ltd. / Tokyo
A.A. Trabucco-Campos / Brooklyn, New York
Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich PPKS + Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogik + Hochschule der Künste Bern Institute of Design Research
mintbrand / Beijing
House Industries / Wilmington, Delaware + Arc-Com / New York, NY
Daniel Frumhoff Design / New York
Formal Settings / Berlin + Paleworks / Berlin + Blaze Type / Lyon
Futura Joburg / Johannesburg
Zayed University / Dubai
Nohawk + Slanted Publishers / Nördliche Uferstraße, Karlsruhe
Studio Woork / Jakarta
Jiawei Zhu / Guangdong
INDEX / Brooklyn, New York + Rote Press / Brooklyn, New York
Brad Bartlett Design / Los Angeles
MNP / Athens
Yasmin Çakır / Berlin
Hanzer Liccini / Berlin + DInamo Typefaces
Shihong Chen / Beijing