TDC Medalists—

Gene Federico

“A graphic designer in the advertising business.” Mild-mannered, soft-spoken. A proponent of a direct, no-gimmicks approach to typography, which is fitting and appropriate for advertising and sales messages. His work illustrates the power of simple, concise, and clear graphic solutions. Referring to centered typography, Federico said, “Why do they do that? This is a message meant to be grasped quickly, understood easily! It makes no sense. Centered typography was only used for titles in books, but you see it all over the place today in advertising. It just doesn’t work.” Federico’s career began in 1938 at Abbott Kimball, then Doyle Dane Bernbach in the 1960s, and lastly at Lord Geller Federico Einstein.

American graphic designer and advertising executive, Federico pioneered the use of visual puns in advertisements by means of text integrated into the pictures in his creative designs.

Photo Caption: Gene Federico’s ceremony attended by (l-r) Allan Haley, TDC Vice President; Ed Rondthaler, Previous TDC Medal recipient; Jack Odette, Past TDC President, Kathy Brown, Freeman (Jerry) Craw, Gene Federico; Sam Antupit; Ed Benguiat, TDC President and previous TDC Medal recipient; Carol Wahler, TDC Executive Director, 1991

Grand Hyatt Hotel, April 10, 1991