TDC Medalists—

Freeman Craw

To typographers, Mr. Craw is best known for his many type designs commissioned by American Type Founders Company. Among these are Craw Clarendon, Craw Clarendon Book, Craw Clarendon Condensed, Craw Modern, Craw Modern Bold, Craw Modern Italic and Ad Lib. His newest typefaces, primarily designed for photocomposition, include Canterbury, Chancery Cursive, Classic and CBS Sans.

For more than ten years, Mr. Craw was vice president and art director of Tri-Arts Press, Inc. in New York City. His responsibilities included complete graphic control over some of the most impressive printing of the 1950's and 60'S. Mr. Craw created unique visual identity programs for numerous prestigious clients-both business and institutional.

As an independent design consultant and art director, Mr. Craw maintained a full-time office of designers and artists to better serve the complete needs of his clientele. He provided complete graphic and production services-photography, typography, illustration, composition, platemaking and printing as required. He continues to provide these same services for The Rockefeller University Press in his present capacity as manager of production and graphics.

Mr. Craw's calligraphic works are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the Cooper-Hewitt Museum of New York, a division of the Smithsonian Institution, as well as the Whitney Museum of American Art. He has also had a number of one-man exhibitions in New York, London, and Chicago. His alma mater, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, has honored Mr. Craw with its Cooper Union Award and several exhibits of his work.