TDC Lettering Walk w/ Paul Shaw
Gramercy Park, Ladies' Mile, Kips Bay, Murray Hill
Join Paul Shaw on Sunday, November 10 for one of his legendary lettering walks. Paul has been leading lettering walks in New York since 2005. He has also conducted them in 18 American and Canadian cities as well as in several cities in Italy. These walks are aimed at getting designers and others away from their computers, smart phones, and digital fonts to see letterforms in the wild: letters carved into stone, cast in metal, carved out of wood, molded in plastic, spray-painted, scrawled with a marker, written with paint and a brush, fabricated in neon, and more. Each TDC lettering walk is unique, though some may include neighborhoods from previous walks. This time the walk will focus on the East Side of Manhattan between Union Square and Grand Central Terminal.
Paul Shaw is a typographer, typographic historian and urban lettering expert. He has been conducting lettering walks in cities throughout the United States and Canada since 2005 for the Type Directors Club, TypeCon and various American and European design schools. He has also led or co-led Legacy of Letters since 2010, a combination lettering tour and workshop in northern Italy.