"She Designs Books" Exhibition at TDC
In light of recent public health updates regarding COVID-19, the Type Directors Club office and gallery will be closed through April 20. While we are closed, everyone can enjoy photographs of this wonderful exhibition in our Event Gallery and on Flickr.
Love beautiful book covers? See some of the best in the latest exhibit at Type Directors Club through March 26.
She Designs Books celebrates two years of recognizing women designers working in book publishing with a special exhibition at Type Directors Club.
Founded by Anne Twomey and Nicole Caputo, the organization promotes, supports, and celebrates female designers creating memorable book covers.
The She Designs Books Celebrates 2 Years! exhibition, on view through March 31, features books and posters of the best-loved covers featured on the She Designs Books Instagram feed over the last two years.
The exhibition is free and open to the public Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm by appointment only.
Call 212-633-8943 or email director@tdc.org for an appointment.
See photos of the exhibition here.
This show features work by 22 designers:
Robin Biradello
Nicole Caputo
Catherine Casalino
Donna Cheng
Cassie Gonzalez
Kimberly Glyder
Olga Grlic
Grace Han
Janet Hansen
Jan Heuer
Linda Huang
Laywan Kwan
Marcie Lawrence
Juliana Lee
Emily Mahon
Anna Morrison
Mumtaz Mustafa
Joanna O’Neill
June Park
Allison Saltzman
Nicole Seeback
Anne Twomey
Rachel Wiley
To see more beautiful work, follow She Designs Books:
Instagram: @shedesignsbooks
Facebook @shedesignsbooks
Twitter @shedesignsbooks
Sponsor: A2A Studio Solutions