BranD Magazine Virtual Panel with Cheng Xunchang (程训昌) and Anuthin Wongsunkakon

Meet two multiscript TDC69 judges that traverse the globe, Cheng Xuchang and Anuthin Wongsunkakon! They’ll show some of their recent research and work, and join BranD Magazine in a short conversation regarding their outlooks on the current state of type design. 


Multilingual typeface designer, documentary director. PhD student of Typeface Design, University of Reading, UK. Chinese Country delegate of ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale) and member of the Chinese Information Processing Society of China. Current research mainly explores the history of Chinese typeforms in the 19th and 20th centuries from the perspective of typeface designers. While studying the history of Chinese typeface design, I am also paying attention to the innovations of international typeface technology, variable fonts, dynamic fonts, and changes in the presentation of characters in different media. Regarding typeface design, I focus on Chinese and Latin text typefaces and bilingual design. I also give Chinese & Latin typeface design workshops for BA and MA students.

Anuthin Wongsunkakon (born 1973) is a partner of Cadson Demak, a communication design firm and the biggest type foundry in Thailand that specializes in Southeast Asian scripts. He has been known as the key person behind the long-running BITS, an international typographic conference to be held in Southeast Asia. He is also a co-founder of the CommMA international program at Chulalongkorn University. Anuthin and his team at Cadson Demak have been putting out work that is widely recognized by clients such as Monotype, Apple, and Google, to name just a few.