Arabic Lettering Workshop | Episode 12: New York, New York
ALW is a series of workshops about Arabic lettering. Every episode takes on a different theme. This episode at TDC will explore the vernacular aesthetics of New York. The participants will select important public signs from New York and will proceed to create the Arabic counterpart. No previous experience in Arabic lettering is necessary, and beginners are welcomed to join in this day of drawing, design, and cultural exchange! Through the process, the participants will learn about the main parameters that define the Arabic script and letterforms and play around with them to see the different results that can be generated.
Kristyan Sarkis is a graphic and type designer. He is the co-founder and managing partner of TPTQ Arabic type foundry and the co-founder of Arabic Type Design - Beirut, the first educational program dedicated to the subject. His work received multiple awards including the TDC Certificate of Typographic Excellence in 2011, 2012, 2016, and 2017.
Wael Morcos is a graphic designer and type designer and a partner at the Brooklyn based studio Morcos Key. He is from Beirut Lebanon and received his MFA from RISD in 2013. Wael has been featured in Print Magazine’s 15 under 30, was named a Young Gun by the Art Directors Club and an Ascender by the Type Directors Club.
See more of Kristyan's work here:
Instagram: @KristyanSarkis
Instagram: @TPTQArabic
Twitter: @TPTQArabic
Facebook: @TPTQArabic
See more of Wael's work here:
Instagram: @waelmorcos
Instagram: @morcoskey
Twitter: @morcoskey
Facebook: @MorcosKey

Wael Morcos in his Brooklyn studio, Morcos Key.