Numerals of Injustice Daily Planner 2022
Frontline Type Design classes are dedicated to Perso/Arabic Type and Lettering design with an experimental approach led by Ali Asali at Studio Metaphor in Tehran/Iran. As part of its productive practice, we aim to design and produce a number of typographic products each year releasing for the new Persian year (Norouz), we have designed a one of a kind 400 pages daily planner last year.
This daily planner was designed to showcase the beauty and diversity of Perso/Arabic letterforms in new and fresh aesthetics developed by students of FLT. Each day number is uniquely designed by one of Frontline Typo Students, so that we have a daily planner with 365 different styles of letterings by a group of total 20 students.
This product was produced in 1500 editions and was widely distributed through the country.
Art & Design Director: Ali Asali