Kanazawa ADC Annual


The cover design is a typography consisting of the names of the award-winning Art Directors. Japan 400 years ago. That era is called the Edo period. At that time, the calligraphy of Edo script was born. In Japan, the thickest characters are considered to have good luck. Signboards and Posters with names of performers or competitors were made at Kabuki(theater), Sumo(wrestling venue) and entertainment venues. The list of master craftsmen in the arts and crafts was also produced in bold calligraphy. This design can be described as a list of Kanazawa's master craftsmen expressed in a modern interpretation. In Kanazawa, "Yukitsuri" are installed with ropes to protect trees from the weight of snow. The Kanazawa ADC Awards jury meeting continued to be postponed due to covid19. The city's landscape was also documented. The creators who endured the tough times and their images were superimposed on the design elements.